Hi, friends!
My small business is in serious trouble
Since 2016, I’ve been able to fund new batches of tarot and oracle decks via preorders and my own savings - but all of that has come to a screeching halt. Between inflation, a punishing instagram algorithm that only shows my post to 0.1% of my audience and an oversaturated market, we’re looking at imminent closure.
So this is what we’re doing to try and save the biz.
Launching a Kickstarter campaign for the SECOND edition of Celestial Bodies Astrology and Numerology Oracle. Kickstarter will only allow us to run one campaign at a time, so we’re leading with this one because this second edition is gorgeous and the artwork of this deck is my favourite ever.
The “stretch goals” of Kickstarter campaigns essentially mean that if we reach our funding goal for being able to product Celestial Bodies, we can look at making the rest of my decks. The stretch goals are to make She Wolfe, a new and exciting commemorative edition of Serpentfire Tarot, and the second edition of Your Wise Animal Body Nervous System Oracle.
If our campaign doesn’t get funded, we will try again in October with another deck and undergo the whole process again, and CB will become a stretch goal of the other campaign.
Rinse and repeat - but hopefully we won’t have to! We are super super hoping to fund the creation of all of my beloved tarot and oracle decks with this one campaign!
Sneak peek of all of the deck upgrades / updates:
I truly believe that these decks can enjoy a long legacy of supporting people through all of the eras of their lives. Let this be a bump in the road and not the end! As an autistic, disabled artist I have been so fortunate to make my own hours and work on a flexible schedule. I’m looking at having to say goodbye to this, which is frankly pretty freaky.
But I believe we will prevail.
THIS is the link to the prelaunch page! Click on “notify me on launch” to be sent an email on Sept 1st when this is out in the world. Your support means everything - and I mean everything - to me. And I’ll be more active here over the next few months with shares about Serpentfire’s ups and downs over the years, and musings on being an artist.
Until then, love and wolves. Thanks for being along this journey with me.
D xx